Artist Profile: Wayne Ruff
Wayne Ruff
11200 Jackson Avenue
Kansas City, MO 64137
I've been living and painting here in Kansas City for the last 6 years. Before that my home studio was in Flint, MI where I grew up. Symbolism is very important to me. It is the language of the soul. I express symbolism like a preacher, letting it flow like the ocean tide coming in and going out. I call myself an Abstract Symbolic Expressionist because my work testifies to a particular meaning or purpose that exposes individual or corporate aspects and insights of our culture. I usually do not plan my paintings. They flow from the inside like a daydream or vision, then I creatively interact with that flow. I grab unique insights and significant understanding from this process. I don't know if I would call it spiritual or psychological insight...they are pretty much the same to me.