Artist Profile: Jane Ballard


God and CountryTitle: God and Country


Size:10" x 15"



GigglesTitle: Giggles


Size:18" x 12"



Rainbow Bridge at NightTitle: Rainbow Bridge at Night


Size:12" x 18"


Jane Ballard

26675 Kings River Road
Shell Knob, MO 65747

Email the Artist



As a photographer who rarely has the opportunity to travel far from home, I focus on the world around me. Using my Nikon digital camera, I enjoy capturing local icons and scenery. Most of my photographs are realistic representations, where I use editing programs mostly for color enhancement, sharpening, and cropping. My favorite photographs are printed on metal or metallic paper, but, one way or another, they MUST be printed to be enjoyed properly! I am venturing more into the abstract, photographing ordinary things and presenting them in a new way. I use oil and water, fire, fairy lights, blacklights, among other things to create images that are barely recognizable as the commodities that they really are! I regard my photographs as specific captures of time never to be reproduced exactly as they were the first time I recorded them. I enjoy sharing my perspective with all who wish to see!