Artist Profile: Diana Werts
Diana Werts
202 Bocook
Matfield Green, KS 66862
Diana Werts completed her MA degree in Painting at Emporia State University under the direction of Richard Slimon. Artist residencies, teaching in various venues from art museums,Young Audiences and private classes have allowed her to continue developing her art over the last 30 years. She also plays accordion in her Kansas City based group, Tiny Flowers. Her work is in many private and corporate collections throughout Kansas. She is currently represented by Strecker-Nelson-West Gallery in Manhattan, KS. “My paintings and prints move between depiction, pattern and abstraction. I push and pull media and plant imagery to make the hidden apparent and the “seen†mysterious. With so many forces trying to grab our attention, we humans sometimes miss out on the importance of solitude and spending time in nature. Walking in prairies provides me time to ponder the fragility of our existence and appreciate the inter-connection of all species dwelling in the natural world. I consider the native plants to be heroes for their strength, endurance and capacity to sustain so many living things. I paint them so that I can keep their story alive.â€