Artist Profile: Craig Mildrexler
Craig Mildrexler
715 East 43rd Street
Kansas City, MO 64110
I was born and raised in Kansas City, both my parents were long time Kansas City artists. I am self taught, but have honed my skills observing and through never ending trial and error. I have shown professionally for 8 years, and have participated in over 140 art fairs in 15 states, numerous gallery shows, including my first international exhibition in Genoa, Italy in November of 2015. I really enjoy exhibiting my paintings and the reaction I get from folks seeing my work for the first time. I specialize in abstracts, and my medium is neon acrylic paint. All my works take on different appearances when viewed under different light spectrums. My goal for 2016 is to broaden my exhibition venues and as always, grow my artwork through experimentation.