Artist Profile: Liesa Schroeder
Liesa Schroeder
11700 Markham Road
Independence, MO 64052
Making discoveries through the use of a camera lens is a recurring theme in the photography by Liesa Schroeder. Trained in art education, Liesa applies her experience as an educator when looking for unique photo opportunities. Selecting nature as her primary subject matter, her photos are designed so that the viewer assumes the role of a student, and becomes part of a greater learning experience. Whether photographing a close-up encounter with a butterfly, or a weather related anomaly, the subject matter is always selected with a curricular content area in mind. A diagonal entry point is generally used to guide the learner into the photo, leading the viewer's eye throughout the composition. The anticipated outcome for Liesa and her photography is to spark a sense of curiosity in the viewer, so they will seek knowledge about a broader topic.