Butttonwood Art Space


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We will process your payment on behalf of the Golden Hat Foundation.

Thank You for your donation to

Golden Hat Foundation

Please use the Donate button below.

Your donation will help to offset the cost of services
provided to autistic indiviuals.

The mission of the Golden Hat Foundation is to change the way people on the autism spectrum are perceived, by shining a light on their abilities and emphasizing their great potential. With proper education and career training, these individuals can truly realize their dreams.

Research indicates that within the next 15 years, more than 500,000 children in the US with an ASD diagnosis will enter adulthood. Today, many autistic adults are being cared for by aging parents, who in most cases will not outlive their children, leaving them with limited options for lifelong support.

In addition to ongoing unique awareness initiatives that highlight capabilities of those on the autism spectrum and our free meetup groups that provide monthly outings and support meetings for people with autism and their families, our long-term goals include the establishment of innovative post-high school living campuses designed to truly honor all autistic individuals - not just those considered "higher-functioning" - by creating an environment that supports and respects their individual needs and strengths.